14 Sept 2014

16 Year Old Girl Hopes To Bring Her Attackers To Book By Setting Up A Dedicated Facebook Page

The Daily Mail has reported that a 16 year old school girl has set up a Facebook page to bring a gang of thugs who violently assaulted her to book.

The attack took place while Amy Maddison was walking home late last Thursday. She was assaulted by three men who smashed her face against the wall, thereby leaving her with a swollen lip and a bloody nose.

Amy decided to post the pictures on her Facebook page, and it appears her efforts have started reaping results as almost 1,000 people have shared them already.

She believes that awareness of what she went through, she will help the Police to bring her attackers to book as members of the public might provide useful information about the thugs.

“I'm angry and confused, but I'm also sympathetic as anybody who does something like this must have nothing in their life,” she said.

Amy was on her way home last Thursday when the three men started hulling insults on her, but her decision to ignore them may have provoked them even further, and suddenly she felt hands grabbing her at her waist.

In the struggle that ensued, her face was smashed against the wall, sending her crashing on the floor. The three man gang did not stop there as they started kicking her as she lay motionless.

She was able to call her mother as soon as they eventually left her. While speaking about the incident that happened, 16 year old Amy said:

When I saw my blood, I thought it was going to be worse.

“They started to kick me. I burst into tears when I realised I was just going to have to take it.”

After seeing the state her daughter was in, Wendy called the Police and also took pictures of her injuries, which have now been seen by more than 3,000 people.

Responding to the number of people that have seen the pictures, Amy’s mother said: “I had no idea that it would get the response it has.”

“This shouldn't happen to anyone, never mind a young girl. She's 16, and as a parent you want to give her some independence, but I just don't feel like I can let her walk home now.”

The Daily Mail further reports that detectives have taken Amy's coat for DNA testing, and police have a description of all three suspects.

The first is around 6ft 2in tall with a slim build. He wore an orange and yellow hooded top and black tracksuit bottoms with stripes on the lower half of the leg and white trainers.

The second man is also around 6ft 2in tall, with a slim build and was dressed in dark trousers and a hooded top with white trainers. 

The third is shorter with a slim build and was wearing a purple and blue hooded top and black Adidas bottoms with stripes down the leg. 

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