19 Oct 2014

Ebola-Spanish Nurse Recovers From The Disease

Officials in Spain have confirmed that the Spanish nurse, who became the first person to contract the deadly Ebola Virus outside West Africa, has recovered from the virus.

44 year old Teresa Romero was placed in isolation after she was infected with the virus while caring for two infected priests at Carlos III Hospital in central Madrid - prompting a public outcry over the government's handling of the outbreak.

Today she tested negative for the disease, the government said in a statement. Further tests will be carried out tonight to confirm the result, as patients must be re-tested within 72 hours. 

She was treated with a drip of human serum, which contains antibodies from Ebola sufferers who had survived the disease, and other drugs which a government spokesman declined to name.

One was the experimental anti-viral medicine favipiravir, according to the respected national newspaper El Mundo.

1 comment:

  1. I am happy for this lady; but why are the Spanish authorities keeping the serum secret?
