11 Sept 2014

13 Years After-President Obama, Other Americans Pay Tribute To Souls Of The Dead On 9/11

President Obama paying tribute
US President and other Americans pay tribute to souls of those who were killed by terrorists on September 11, 2001. A name reading ceremony is expected to follow as families of those who lost their lives are expected at the Memorial Plaza.

“It has now been 13 years,' Obama said. 'Thirteen years since the peace of an American morning was broken; thirteen years since nearly 3,000 beautiful people were taken from us; thirteen years of moments they would have shared with us; thirteen years of memories they would have made.”

He also paid tribute to the strength and the endurance of the families, survivors and Pentagon personnel who returned to work the next day, more determined than ever to keep America strong.

“As Americans, we draw strength from you,' he said. “Your love is the ultimate rebuke to the hatred of those who attacked us that bright, blue morning... America stands tall and America stands proud... We will only grow stronger.” 
President Obama and Vice President

Emotional moment
Mrs Braut holds picture of her only son
Emotional moment

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