25 Sept 2014

Agony Of A Mother Whose Son Drowns In Baptism Font

After crying unto God for so many years for a son, and eventually got one, Kimberly King could not believe what hit her when the boy accidentally drowned after falling into a tank of baptismal water in Alabama, USA.

The incident which occurred 2 months before Brayden King’s birthday really devastated the mum.

Kimberly’s pastor, Bishop TD Strong said:
“Twenty-two months ago he gave her a son,’ Strong said, according to the newspaper. ‘And 22 months later he was taken away. I've been preaching 30 years and pastoring for 20 years, this is the first time in my ministry I've been speechless.”

Pastor Strong described the boy’s family as ‘devastated.’

The terrible accident occurred at about 7.45pm Friday while Brayden was at the church with his older sister and mother.

Strong said Kimberly King was preparing for a skit to be performed at a prayer meeting, and the sister was tasked with keeping an eye on the toddler.

The teen lost track of the toddler for a short time. Little Brayden somehow climbed up two flights of stairs and opened a set of doors to reach the font behind the altar still filled with water from a Sunday baptism, Decatur Daily reported. 
When Mrs King realized her son was not with his sister, she went on a frantic search of the church building, which eventually led her to the baptism tank where her son was discovered unresponsive.

Church members and emergency crews who were called to the scene were unable to resuscitate the child.

“I'm just at a loss, because it is so close to home,’ Strong said. ‘People die every day. And I've done many funerals, but for a child to die in church, in the baptistery, it's beyond ordinary and something that will never be forgotten by me.”

A funeral for the little boy will be held Thursday at Westside M.B. Church, after which he will be laid to rest in Rather Family Cemetery.

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