17 Sept 2014

Boko Haram Installs Emir In Dambua As Original Emir Flees

Senator Ali Ndume who represents Southern Borno in the Senate has alleged that Islamic sect, Boko Haram have installed a new Emir in Dambua and chased away the original Emir.

“I represent southern Borno and Gwoza. The challenges we are facing are more serious than what we have faced before. We, the people of southern Borno, particularly Gwoza, parts of Adamawa and Yobe know that it’s presently occupied!”

The Senator was speaking yesterday as the Senate resumed after a two month recess. He further told the upper chamber of the house that:

“I read here on the Senate Order Paper about a threat. It’s no longer a threat; somebody is occupying that place and he’s declared it a caliphate!

“Yesterday, a new emir was installed by Boko Haram in Dambua. The original emir is taking refuge in Abuja. Boko Haram installed a new emir in Gwoza…Recently, we conceded the extension of state of emergency and it was because it could get out of hand. Can it get out of hand more than what is happening now?” he asked.

While reacting, the Senate President, David Mark urged Nigeria to declare total war on Boko Haram and stop bandying words with them:

“When Boko Haram moved from kidnapping, killing of people and destruction of property to occupation of parts of Nigerian territory, it has declared a total war on Nigeria. There is no difference between what Boko Haram is doing against Nigeria and what an enemy country waging war in Nigeria would have done.

“The issue is beyond that of mere internal security. It is about how we execute the war. If Boko Haram has captured most of the parts of the country we represent and has created a caliphate, it means that some of the senators from those areas can no longer be in this chamber. This is why we must pay urgent attention to the matter,” he said.

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