20 Sept 2014

Social Media Users Call Jihadists Cowards For Posting Pictures of Covered Faces On Twitter

Social media users have addressed a group of seven Jihadists, calling them cowards for covering their faces on twitter. lol

The terrorist group had posted a picture on twitter covering their faces, and calling on other Brits to join ISIS. The men were captured in full combat gear, proudly clutching their rifles with balaclavas and rags covering their faces and hiding their identities from the public.

The picture was aimed at inspiring more Brits to join ISIS, but was instead targeted by other Twitter users, who dismissed the gun-wielding terrorists as cowards.

One said: “Such brave men and so proud that they dare not show their faces'. Another wrote: “Pussies with masks”. 

Another Brit terrorist posted snaps of a sun-drenched lake captioned: “Jihad is the tourism of the believers.”

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