22 Sept 2014

Three Female Cops Disciplined For Putting Their Arms Around 50 Cents

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Three female corps, Sgt. Craig Laufer and deputies Pamela Gibbs and Yvane Moreland received 'verbal counselling' for what their supervisors termed 'unprofessional' behaviour during the rapper's appearance at the county courthouse earlier this month.

According to a video shot by The Palm Beach Post, all three officers were caught posing for photos with 50 Cent, whose real name is Curtis Jackson III, and holding onto his waist.

During the incident, both (deputies) were seen holding onto Mr. Jackson's waist area and for a period of time Mr. Jackson was holding onto (Deputy) Gibb's around her waist, while walking through the courthouse,' according to their supervisor.

According to the report, Laufer 'placed himself in a position to obtain a photograph with Mr Jackson as he was exiting from the Courtroom.' 

“All parties involved placed themselves in a position of disadvantage by taking on a laize-faire (sic) attitude, due to Mr. Jackson's singing background, thus neglecting their assigned duties to their position,” the supervisor wrote.
Officers are humans after all

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