19 Sept 2014

Boko Haram-Six People Killed In Fresh Attack In Northern Cameroon

Six people including four civilians have been killed in fresh Boko Haram attack that took place in North Cameroon according to AFP.

“Boko Haram appeared yesterday (Thursday) around 1900 (1800 GMT) at Assighassia,” a police officer in the region said on condition of anonymity. “There followed an engagement between them and our soldiers. Two assailants were killed and one soldier was injured.”

Around two hours later, more Boko Haram militants attacked the village of Ganse, also in the far north of Cameroon, killing four.

“They shot three people and slit the throat of another,” a local leader said.

“As soon as we heard shots fired, we climbed the fence to flee into the brush,” he said. “The people killed were buried (on Friday) morning and we are looking for ways to leave the village because our security is no longer guaranteed.”

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