17 Sept 2014

Facebook Introduces Privacy Application For Photo Sharing

Facebook users who have been expressing concerns over the social media’s privacy and security tools can now heave a sigh of relief has plans have reached an advanced stage to introduce an application simply known as ‘Moments.’

Moments is at its advanced stage of testing by employees, and will be made available to users once all plans have been concluded.

The new application is a standalone one, and is an alternative to the very annoying and complicated privacy settings and audience selector used on the main website.

According to TechCrunch, it is not known yet if the application will be available more widely.

“Moments holds big potential for Facebook if it can buck the trend of its last few standalone apps Paper and Slingshot, which found some loyal users but have been largely ignored by the mainstream user base.

“Moments will have to provide obvious, instant value far beyond the main Facebook app to get big,” TechCrunch’s Josh Constine.

I guess we just have to wait until the application ‘Moments’ is released before we know what to say.

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