27 Sept 2014

Oyedepo At 60-I’m Simply Grateful To God

The presiding Bishop of the Living Faith Church, Bishop David Oyedepo is 60 today, and he has nothing but gratitude to “God for all His mercies and goodness till date.”

In an interview granted to Punch and other Newspapers, the man rated by Forbes as the richest pastor in Africa expressed his gratitude to God for the gift of life:

“I’m simply grateful to God. I’ve always seen life as a gift from God. Life is a privilege, not a right. No one brought himself or herself to life and no one can sustain his or her life on their own. I’m just grateful to God for all His goodness and mercy till date,”

On how his growing up was like, the Bishop said:

“It was more of a school (period), growing under my grandmother’s guidance was an experience I will be eternally grateful to God for. She made a man out of me as a child. I was exposed to highly profitable lessons such as character, hard work, focus and financial integrity. Under my grandmother, you were not permitted to do what you liked but what was right. Such upbringing gave me respect among my peers and audience with my superiors. It is this man-child concept that informed the founding philosophy of our university system.”

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